Docu Shorts 3
Sunday, July 21, 2024
6 pm
​This screening session features 5 short documentary films. All films are in English and/or have English subtitles.​
@ Capitol Theatre, 204 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington.
Reserve your FREE tickets here. Please only book seats when you are sure you'll be there, thank you!

Day of the Dead (Belgium) by Peter Bracke - Out of Competition
The short film is a visual and emotional journey that explores the delicate balance between the living and the dead, culminating in a moment of serene reflection as the dead fall silent, and the living are left to calmly confront their own emotions. The film captures the essence of a cultural celebration that transcends borders, inviting audiences to reflect on the universal themes of love, loss, and the enduring connections that bind us across time and cultures.
Running time: 00:03:11

Pappas Poppy (Norway) by Johanne Wilbrink
Dolls, cunts and daddy issues – a personal portrait of being a woman.
Running time: 00:07:00

Tidal (United States) by Katrina Lillian Sorrentino (Treen)
In the wake of divorce and alone in a new country, Treen matches with the “one.” Months later, in what seems to be a fairytale romance, she discovers a huge lie. Who really is the man she loves? Isolated from friends and family, in an exclusive relationship with a volatile stranger, she gets pulled deeper and deeper into a toxic cycle. Will she ever get out and how? Treen finally finds the courage to leave and with the support of other survivors of narcissistic abuse, she begins to heal.
Running time: 00:18:06

Just Your ( . ) (United States) by Mandy Harmon
“If you had a disease process that affected 10% of men - you can bet your last dollar - billions would be allocated towards it. But women? Eh.” You might not have heard of it, yet you’re likely to know someone who has it - endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women and menstruators. Yet it is under-researched, under-funded, and consistently ignored. The average length of time to an endometriosis diagnosis is 7-10 years. Mandy’s not sure what’s behind her long-term “period issues.” It’s been 11 years now and she’s desperate for answers. This documentary offers an intimate, unflinching glimpse into life with delayed diagnosis of endometriosis and the pain that comes with it.
Running time: 00:28:28

Don't Look Away (United States) by Joseph Vitug Lingad
In the span of six years, the film follows Corey to show how his facial difference has impacted his life, friendships, family relations, romantic relationships, and careers, and how these experiences have shaped his personality and perspective. By capturing the daily life of Corey, the film shows the audience the challenges of living with a facial difference: being stared at, bullied, constantly having to explain your facial difference, the struggles of online dating, and the psychological and emotional impact of all of these experiences. Corey’s facial difference is so rare that the doctors simply called it a “craniofacial deformity” when he was born. By age 19, he had at least 50 major reconstructive surgeries–Corey does not count outpatient procedures. Growing up in the boonies of upstate New York for all his life with his loving and physically disabled mother, Corey has never had a regular job and struggles financially, relying on government assistance and family members and friends. The film begins with Corey’s daily activities as he embarks on moving out of his childhood home to live independently for the first time. Corey is determined to become an actor and writer and wants to get his first book published. He draws from his adversities of living with a facial difference and uses them in his stories and performances to inspire others like him. He is motivated to show the world that people with facial differences are more than meets the eye. Ultimately, Corey hopes to find a partner who can see beyond his face.
Running time: 00:35:54